Versionsgeschichte als Textdatei:
Version 1.4.4 (07/30/2015)
All path names in conf files stored in archive files are made relaltive.
Version 1.4.3 (06/27/2015)
Updated Turkish language file.
Updated DOSZip from 3.21 to 3.38.
[Fix] The mobygames data read failed to download images specified as relative URLs.
Version 1.4.2 (09/19/2014)
Updated Korean language file.
Better error handling when internet connection fails while trying to download
game information from Mobygames.
[Fix] The "File path is relative to the DOSBox directory structure" checkbox
below the program file input line in the profile editor was not visible
Version 1.4.1 (07/29/2014)
Updated French, Italian and Russian language files.
Improved sorting speed in the package manager.
Records can be manually deleted from the package manager via the context
[Fix] Sorting the package manager games list by download size did not work.
Version 1.4.0 (07/01/2014)
When downloading game information now The Games DB ( can be
used as data source, too.
DOSBox, ScummVM and Windows games can be set up to be started with admin
rights. (This option is turned off by default and has to be enabled on the
security page of the program settings dialog.)
When choosing "max" for the CPU cycles in the profile editor additionally
a limiting value can be defined now.
The lists in the data package manager can be sorted now by clicking on the
column headers.
[Fix] When internet connection is cut during download of a package manager
file the download dialog is not blcoking the whole program anymore.
[Fix] Sometimes a video file was still clickable in the meda tab after being
deleted from disk.
[Fix] Viewing the DOSBox conf file fails when using a custom DOSBox
Version 1.3.6 (03/31/2014)
Updated Danisch, French, French Canada, German, Italian und Polish language
Updated Italian DOSBox language file.
Updated DOSZip from 2.50 to 3.21.
Better filtering of game notes text in game information reader.
[Fix] Changing to the game directory is not working on some newer DOSBox CVN
version if using PhysFS or archive file based drive mounts.
[Fix] Line breaks created in the program notes field due to breaking the text
on the right window side are not stored anymore as line breaks.
[Fix] Until now not the same saved games where visible when running a ScummVM
based game via D-Fend Reloaded and via plain ScummVM.
Version 1.3.5 (10/02/2013)
Updated Polish language file.
Updated DOSZip from 2.48 to 2.50.
Improved game information reader to receive data from the updated Mobygames
Updated search link for
Now the base folder used for making folder names relative can be mounted as a
drive, too.
[Fix] The "Delete all" context menu item for screenshots, sounds and videos
did not work if no item was selected.
[Fix] When using Windows-based emulators stored in a path relative to the
D-Fend Reloaded program directory in portable mode, games using this emulator
where not displayed correctly in the "Emulation type" filter of the games
filter tree.
[Fix] Starting a game could fail if there were multiple drive mountings
directing to the game files folder.
[Fix] When trying to install a game from a real floppy drive the installation
support function could fail.
Version 1.3.4 (08/26/2013)
Updated Korean language file.
Updated French and French Canada language files.
Updated DOSZip from 2.44 to 2.48.
Added options to set sound volulme for multiple profiles at once to the
multiple profiles editor.
Setting the font properties for the preview area now will also apply to
the notes text input field.
Extracting and creating archive files can be canceled now.
Now also data files for which there is an user-defined interpreter can be
added by drag&drop.
The screenshot thumbnails in the preview area of the D-Fend Reloaded program
window will be cached now so the screenshot images will not need to be
scaled down each time the screenshot previews will be displayed.
Version 1.3.3 (01/05/2013)
Updated DOSZip from 2.35 to 2.44.
The mobygames data read can read the game description now, too.
Added an option to disable file checksums for multiple profiles at once to
the multiple profiles editor.
New tree structure filter section "Recently started" will list the last 50
games started.
Added a new "Recently started" section to the tray area D-Fend Reloaded icon
context menu listing the last 10 started games.
Improved the mount and imgmount command interpreter which is used to scan the
[autoexec] sections of imported conf files.
[Fix] Starting programs from Windows game profiles that need admin rights
did not work.
[Fix] When configuration additional program files only the first 20 entries
will be stored.
[Fix] The game wizard will setup a screenshots folder for Windows games now,
[Fix] The function to get the current screensaver status (for disabling the
screensaver as long DOSBox is running) could rise an exception.
[Fix] Downloading cover images from mobygames failed when manually adding a
game and trying to download images before saving the new profile for the
first time.
Version 1.3.2 (09/17/2012)
Updated Italian language file.
Updated French and French Canada language files.
Updated German language file.
Updated DOSZip from 2.33 to 2.35.
Updated German and Italian DOSBox language files.
When downloading images from mobygames, now also screenshots will be loaded.
Additionally the maximum number of covers and screenshots to be download
per profile have been increased from 10 to 25.
The mobygames data read is now downloading up to 8 files parallel, which
results in a significant speed up when downloading cover images.
Now up to 50 additional program file can be specified per profile.
The video RAM size now can be set up via the GUI for custom DOSBox builts not
using the videoram key in the [vga] section, too.
Improved initial screen position for the quick starter window.
Some smaller improvements to the automatic checksum collector for templates.
[Fix] The uninstall dialog offered to remove the whole game folder if there
was only one profile next to the "DOSBox DOS" profile and this profile used
a program or setup file located directly in the games folder.
[Fix] For some auto setup templates the user game information list on the
game information page of the new profile wizard showed an additional empty
Version 1.3.1 (06/25/2012)
Korean language file (thanks to Decon).
Updated Italian language file.
Updated French and French Canada language files.
Updated DOSZip from 2.27 to 2.33.
When showing the DOSBox conf file / ScummVM ini file D-Fend Reloaded will add
the command line parameters used when starting DOSBox / ScummVM as a comment
in the file.
The file icon of the emulator program file will be used when displaying the
user-defined emulators in the profile filter tree now.
Improved auto detection of ScummVM when installing ScummVM after installation
of D-Fend Reloaded.
[Fix] User-defined command line parameters were ignored when running ScummVM.
[Fix] Hiding the ScummVM console did not work on newer ScummVM versions.
[Fix] Error message when adding a ScummVM based game via the wizard and not
"Show all pages" was selected on the first page of the wizard.
[Fix] Changing settings on the DOSBox CVS features page of the program
settings dialog could damage default values for render modes etc.
[Fix] Some labels in the profile editor were not large enough for the Italian
Version 1.3.0 (04/17/2012)
Updated FreeDOS from 1.0 to 1.1 (full installer only).
Updated DOSZip from 2.17 to 2.27.
Menu item in profiles menu and profile context menu: Open file in program
files folder.
Service section of setup dialog: Reset all profiles to template.
New "Open DOSBox prompt in program folder" context menu and profile menu
The floppy/harddisk image file creator can diretly create a profiles for
booting the created image file in DOSBox.
Now the floppy/harddisk image file creator can add Doszip to image files.
New option not to repack the archive file when the game quits when using an
archive file as a drive.
Improved detection whether a program is using DOS4GW or not.
Better disk image type auto detection when extracting files from an image file.
Improved checksum usage when searching for new game in the games folder.
[Fix] When entering numerical values in a spin input field in the profile
editor via keyboard the value range is not always checked properly.
[Fix] Creation of bootable hard disk images was broken.
[Fix] Trying to get the list of available MIDI devices fails if there are no
drive records in the default template.
[Fix] The edit button in the drives list context menu of the profile editor
opened the add drive dialog and not the edit drive dialog.
[Fix] Removed useless information popup when editing the capture folder for
a Windows game profile in the profile editor.
[Fix] Removed invalid ISO image warning when extracting a floppy or hard disk
[Fix] When downloading a cover image from mobygames right after changing the
capture folder (without closing the profile editor in between), the image
will be stored in the old capture folder.
[Fix] Wrong position for the portable version info button on the DOSBox
page of the configuration dialog when switching from basic to advanced
configuration mode.
Version 1.2.1 (10/23/2011)
Added a setup option to select which filter keys to be displayed in the
filter tree view.
The Russian language file has been updated.
[Fix] Exception in the new game wizard when using the default template.
[Fix] Exception when using the "Reset all pages but this" function in the
profile editor to reset a profile to a template.
[Fix] Wrong name for "Export archive file" popup menu item.
Version 1.2.0 (09/29/2011)
Updated DOSZip from 2.08 to 2.17.
Added about 300 new auto setup templates.
New "Select by" option in the profiles export dialog: Games for which there
is no auto setup template.
New option to create package list xml files for plain archive files.
In the extra program files dialog of the profile editor parameters for the
additional program files can be entered now.
New function in the icons manager to add all icons from a selected folder
and its subfolders.
Setup option to allow or block multiple instances of D-Fend Reloaded at the
same time.
New option to setup the font style (bold, italic, underlined) for normal
games list entries.
D-Fend Reloaded can store up to 9 internet addresses per profile now.
Setup option to use the image viewer as a non-modal window.
New option to change pixel shader settings in the multiple profiles editor.
More ScummVM settings in the multiple profiles editor.
The modes "hardware2x" and "hardware3x" will be added automatically to the
scalers list when activating the pixel shader GUI.
New input fields on the MIDI page of the profile editor to setup MT32.
Now you can set up custom DOSBox settings per DOSBox installation, too.
Improved detection if the per profile keyboard mapper file is the same as the
global keyboard mapper file on the keyboard page of the profile editor.
Additional user-defined command line parameters can be passed to ScummVM now.
Now the icon manager will show icons located in sub folders of the icons
folder, too.
Some smaller improvements to the first run wizard.
[Fix] Incompatibility with ScummVM 1.3.x is fixed.
[Fix] Storing the order of user defined columns in the games list did not
work correctly.
[Fix] The package manager can handle splitted packages larger than 2 GB from
local sources now.
[Fix] The options "Video chipset" and "Video RAM" in the multiple profiles
editor did not work correctly.
[Fix] Displaying multiple bmp files in the screenshots previewer did not work
[Fix] Opening the profile editor for an auto setup template could rise an
expection under some conditions.
[Fix] The function "Convert absolute to relative paths" from the service page
of the program options dialog could rise an expection under some conditions.
[Fix] Clicking the down button to reorder the list of user-defined emulators
on the "Other emulators" setup dialog page cause some settings to be
[Fix] The names of the user-defined emulators in the dropdown box on the
"Other emulators" setup dialog page were not always correct.
[Fix] When filtering the games list by emulation type when selecting
"Windows" also games using some user-defined emulators were listed.
[Fix] The download/copy progress dialog shows wrong percent values in the
caption when copying large files from local sources.
[Fix] When changing the program language the language of the entries in the
games list columns listbox did not change at once.
[Fix] The list available of licenses was not displayed correctly in the
"Select by" menu.
[Fix] The preferences for opening text, image and video files were not
respected when opening files from the data folder via the context or the
profile menu.
Version 1.1.0 (02/25/2011)
Updated DOSZip from 2.05 to 2.08.
New option in the mobygames data reader to download all images available for
some game.
Setup option to configure if history information of started games shall be
collected or not.
Support for more special ykhwong DOSBox builds features.
New optional games list column: Number of starts of the profile.
When exporting the games list you can choose which fields to export.
Now the package list creation and package download system can handle packages
larger than 2 GB by splitting them.
The names for the files to look for a profile name suggestion when importing
plain archive files (default: FILE_ID.DIZ) is configurareable now.
The history viewer dialog opens much faster now.
The games list tooltips now also tells how often the selected profile has
been started.
New setup dialog option to configure whether D-Fend Reloaded should add a
trailing backslash to path names when calling an external packer or not. (uha
needs path names without trailing backslashs.)
Default command line parameter values for the external packers uha and arj32
are included now.
User defined emulators will be listed as sub entries below "Emulation type"
in the games list filter tree.
A new option to filter the games list by game license is offered in the
filter tree.
Setup option to rename all media files in all profiles.
The "Starting DOSBox failed" dialog now also allows to change the selected
SDL video driver.
Option to reselect the last selected profile on program restart.
The games list can be exported as a xml file now.
New option in the icons library to rename all icon files to have upper or
lower file extensions.
The package manager will display the download size of the selected games now.
Some more new auto setup templates.
The package manager will open faster now.
Lower memory consumption on downloading large files via the package manager.
Tuned the game and setup file detection code.
[Fix] The automatic translation of the license fields in the profiles failed.
[Fix] Sorting the columns in the history dialog by clicking the column
headers did not work for all columns correctly.
[Fix] The second last games list column could not be moved down (to be the
last column) on the games list columns editor in the setup dialog.
[Fix] Template names and custom game information keys containing "&" can
cause problems.
[Fix] When running from a network share not connected to a drive letter
starting DOSBox failed.
[Fix] When clicking the zoom button in the video previewer while a damaged
video file is selected or the needed codec is missing a division by zero
error message appeared.
[Fix] Access violation when using the "Start" dialog from the tray icon menu
and opening a second dialog from the tray icon menu while the first dialog is
still open.
Version 1.0.3 (11/15/2010)
When importing plain archive files or folders D-Fend Reloaded will look for a
FILE_ID.DIZ file and use if existent its content to suggest a profile name.
Files (like text files etc.) can be used as profile specific helper programs
to be started before or after the main program now.
The physical path names for drives mounts can contain semicolons now.
If the user selects a custom MIDI device to be used in a profile the device
will be stored by name and not by id anymore so the right device will be
selected when using the profile on an other system, too.
Now the DOSBox IPX network settings can be configurated in the mutli profile
editor, too.
Support for new glide=emu mode when using a ykhwong DOSBox build.
[Fix] Running profiles via command line parameters or via desktop or start
menu shortcuts was not working.
[Fix] Error messages when trying to load icons larger than 256x256 pixels.
[Fix] A cover image downloaded from mobygames via the profile editor was not
shown in the image viewer area of the main window at once if the profile
editor was closed by clicking on "Cancel".
Version 1.0.2 (10/25/2010)
Updated DOSZip from 2.01 to 2.05.
About 50 new auto setup templates.
The French and the French (Canada) language files have been updated.
[Fix] When starting a new language based on "English" in the DOSBox language
editor the chosen default DOSBox language was used, not always English.
[Fix] When importing a game from a plain archive file by using an auto setup
template which has an icon file defined now D-Fend Reloaded will check if the
icon file exists and remove the icon record if not.
[Fix] Some temporary files were not deleted when closing D-Fend Reloaded.
[Fix] "Transfer profiles" dialog not large enough for Italian translation.
Version 1.0.1 (09/13/2010)
Updated DOSZip from 1.54 to 2.01.
A new start-up logging function can help you to find the problem if
D-Fend Reloaded is not running.
Now the DOSBox language file editor can use the DOSBox built-in Englisch
language file as template.
Updated the png file reader library.
[Fix] In some cases the "DOSBox start failed" dialog could appear even if
DOSBox is working correctly.
[Fix] Access violation when unsing the "Create image" dialog.
[Fix] Download of multiple games packages from Sourceforge always failed.
[Fix] The pixel shader option on the graphics card page of the profile editor
was partially out of the dialog.
[Fix] When selecting a MIDI device to be used in a DOSBox profile the text
"midiconfig=id" is added to the additional MIDI settings field instead of
just the MIDI device id.
[Fix] When running D-Fend Reloaded in portable operation mode and the base
directory for relative path names was not set to the program directory the
capture folder was not stored correctly.
[Fix] If updated from a previous D-Fend Reloaded version the changelog tab
in the program information dialog may displayed an outdated, incomplete
DOSBox changelog.
[Fix] The main window was not disabled while the check for missing files
progress dialog was shown.
Version 1.0.0 (07/02/2010)
DOSBox 0.74 is supported and bundled with D-Fend Reloaded.
Updated default values to offer all values available in DOSBox 0.74.
The new game installation support will assist you when adding a game that
needs to be installed before being able to be used.
New function for making FreeDOS bootable images and profiles from normal
Functions for changing saved games (cheating) using an internal, editable
data base or by searching for values in saved game files.
Updated DOSZip from 1.49 to 1.54.
It can be configurated from the setup dialog now when to update the packages
list, the data reader configuration etc.
Via the Help|Search for updates function now you can also search for package
list, data reader and cheats database updates.
The zip file import function also can import DBGL packages now.
New easier to use first run wizard.
If DOSBox start fails D-Fend Reloaded will show some information and will
offer some options to find and solve the problem.
Now folders can be imported like archive files via the import menu and via
DOSBox language file editor.
New setup option when to configurate a new game completely automatically.
Like the genre and language names the license in game profiles can now be
translated on the fly so profiles created via auto setup templates etc. will
always be shown with translated names for the license.
Now multiple commands can be specified to be executed before/after DOSBox.
The DOSBox console window can be turned on and off on per profile now.
In the profile editor you can selected which physical output device to use
when playing MIDI music inside DOSBox.
In the game information data reader dialog you can specify to look for DOS
based games only or to look for all games.
The game information data reader dialog now also can change the profile name.
Now the game information data reader will remember which fields have been
activated and which have be unchecked.
The paths to the text editor and the media viewers are stored relatively to
the base folder if the programs are located in subfolders of the base folder.
You can create capture folders and game data folders for all profiles at the
same time via the service page of the setup dialog.
You can disable the Windows exe file warnings for single profiles now.
Additionally to "and", "or", "not" language specific values for this logical
operator can be used in the filter field.
The fields for DOSBox window resolution and fullscreen resolution can have
individual default values lists now.
When creating a harddisk image file from some folder content now you can
specify how much free space you want to have on the image.
Some additionally information texts in the profile editor for making it
easier to understand the meanings of the DOSBox options.
Smarter way of finding the default GUI theme for ScummVM.
Some more auto setup templates.
[Fix] The "use scan codes" option was not passed the right way to DOSBox.
[Fix] Downloading multiple games packages via the package manager always
[Fix] "Not" operator in games list filter not working correctly.
[Fix] Mounting folders as CD drives did not work on systems without a real
CD drive.
[Fix] Some smaller fixes to the multiple profile editor.
[Fix] Hiding the ScummVM console did not work when starting ScummVM in
fullscreen mode.
[Fix] Error message when pressing F1 while menu is opened.
Version 0.9.3 (03/31/2010)
Czech language file (thanks to marker)
About 50 new auto setup templates for automatical installation of even more
Some more fine tuning to the way setup files are detected when importing
plain archive files.
[Fix] Downloading icons, language files and icon sets via the package manager
always failed.
Version 0.9.2 (03/19/2010)
The Italian language file has been updated.
Updated DOSZip from 1.41 to 1.49.
The functions for filtering the games list by a search string can handle
complex search strings (including "and", "or", "not", quotes, brackets,
compare operators for numbers, selecting properties to check by writing
"genre=..." etc.) now.
D-Fend Reloaded will use an internal update checker for checking for
program updates now. This will also fix the Windows 7 issue the program
looses focus on start up.
When running an update via the update check function the update installer
will not ask for the installation directory anymore.
The codepage selection dropdown box in the profile editor will show some
descriptions for the codepages now.
Improved DOSBox directory search order (if not installed together with
DOSBox) on first run.
About 100 new auto setup templates for automatical installation of even more
Some fine tuning to the way game and setup files are detected when importing
plain archive files.
D-Fend Reloaded will start a bit faster on first run now.
[Fix] The selected keyboard layout when defining a DOSBox installation
specific keyboard layout in the advanced DOSBox settings may not got saved.
[Fix] Setting the DOSBox background priority for multiple profiles at once
via the multi profile editor did not work correctly.
[Fix] Setting the CD volume did not work.
[Fix] In some conditions the Game Explorer integration during installation
could fail.
[Fix] When adding profiles via the scan games folder function the entered
name for the new profile was ignored when an auto setup template was
selected to be used for the new profile.
[Fix] When copying a profile or adding profiles via the scan games folder
function no collision check for existing capture folders was performed.
Version 0.9.1 (02/05/2010)
Brazilian Portuguese language file (thanks to Cpt.Guapo)
Turkish language file (thanks to Hakan ATE�)
Updated DOSZip from 1.37 to 1.41.
Updated the DOSBox language files for German and Italian and added a new
DOSBox language file for Polish.
About 150 new auto setup templates for automatical installation of even more
games. Althogether D-Fend Reloaded now has more than 1000 auto setup
Updated the default value lists for the supported keyboard layouts and
Added Wikipedia to the "Search for game" default links.
Faster filtering functions in the package manager.
[Fix] Drag&drop of zip files etc. to the program window sometimes did not
[Fix] Access violation when uninstalling multiple games while one of the
profiles to be uninstalled is installed in the games list.
[Fix] Access violation when clicking the "Download game information" button
on the programm information page of the profile editor when no internet
connection is available.
[Fix] The game data reader update function did not work.
[Fix] When canceling a download from the package manager the program will
continue with the next file from the download list instead of canceling the
whole operation.
[Fix] The reset to default values function on the default values page of the
program settings dialog could raise an access violation when closing the
[Fix] The select/unselect functions of dialogs like the prof file export etc.
did not work for profiles having multiple values in the choosen category
(multiple genres divided by ";" for example).
[Fix] When downloading multiple games via the package manager the close
button of the main window became enabled after the first download was
completed. Clicking the main window close button while the package manager
dialog was opened raised an access violation.
[Fix] The "Use as screenshot in profiles list" context menu item in the
"Data folder" tab was also visible if no file was selected.
[Fix] The "Rename all" and "Delete all" context menu entries in the
screenshots, sounds and video tabs were also enabled if there were no files.
[Fix] Some minor problems in the keyboard layout setup; in particular when
keyboard layout "none" is selected.
[Fix] Wrong filenames for downloaded language files if language file and
the package list directring to this language file were not in the same
directory on the server.
[Fix] Some corrections to the DOSBox keyboard layouts default values list.
[Fix] The update installer did not update all DOSBox language files.
[Fix] The uninstaller will not remove non D-Fend Reloaded files from the
D-Fend Reloaded installation directory without confirmation anymore.
[Fix] The language dropdown boxes in the setup dialog now have a tooltip hint
and the dropdown list is wider (so "Brazilian Portuguese" is not truncated
Version 0.9.0 (12/02/2009)
Example games packages, language files, icon sets etc. can be downloaded from
the D-Fend Reloaded homepage via the import menu now.
Via the new "Tools" button in the profiles editor you can reset any page of a
profile to any template.
Ability to add games for other emulators as Windows profiles (calling the
emulator program file with the game data file as parameter).
From the game information page of the profile editor and the profile wizard
game information (including a cover image) can be loaded from
directly now.
Faster loading of the profile and the auto setup template files.
Now you can optionally enter multiple values per game info field (like genre,
language etc.).
Normal drive mounts can be converted into archiv file mounts and vice versa
right from the mounting dialog. The commands to run the game will also be
changed automatically if needed.
You can drag links from your browser to the D-Fend Reloaded program window
now. D-Fend Reloaded will download and importthe zip file behind the link.
All captured screenshots, sounds and videos can be renamed from the context
menu to have an uniform name scheme.
D-Fend Reloaded will warn the user when importing an archive file with a name
of an existing profile and will prevent overwriting existing games directory
subdirectories when importing plain archive files.
When adding new profiles via the profile editor needed mounting records can
be added automatically now. (This was already done when adding profiles via
the wizard.)
In the multiple profiles editor sections can be collapsed and expanded (like
in a tree structure) to make it more clear.
Now image files can be used as game icons, too.
The algorithm used for scaling images (like screenshots) can be selected from
the program options dialog now.
D-Fend Reloaded can optionally create conf files for all profiles in the
games list automatically.
The floppy and harddisk image creator now can make harddisk images and floppy
disk images of all sizes bootable.
The make disk image from folder content function now is able to create
harddisk images, too.
When creating disk images optionally disk management utilities and a text
editor can be added to the image.
When creating bootable disk images optionally a memory manager can be added
to the image. Also not only the selected keyboard layout is used on the image
but also the codepage.
Some improvements to the language editor.
Added *.ima to the file selection dialog when selecting an image file
for mounting or for extracting.
About 300 new auto setup templates for automatic identification of even more
Updated DOSZip from 1.31 to 1.37.
Two more sites have been added to the list of game information sites
( and
The time needed on first program start for initializing the user data has
been improved.
The profile editor and the program options dialog will open a bit faster.
Some smaller improvements to the new profile wizard.
[Fix] Extra directories and extra files records (see directories page of the
profile editor) got damaged when using the "Convert absolute to relative
paths" function in the program options dialog.
[Fix] When importing a plain archive file with multiple executable files
in it and with a matching auto setup template sometimes the wrong executable
file was selected.
[Fix] The main window hotkeys were enabled while template editor was open.
[Fix] Access violation then trying to add a game with a space in the filename
via the profile wizard.
[Fix] Starting games with folders mounted as CD drives failed on systems with
no physical CD drive.
[Fix] The "Run game with current configuration" from the profile editor
dialog did not work with ScummVM and Windows game profiles.
[Fix] When setting the SoundBlaser or the Gravis UltraSound base address to
a hexadecimal address containing letters the selected address was not stored.
[Fix] Erroneous window behaviour when using "Run game with current
configuration" from the profile editor dialog or when creating bootdisk
images when "Minimize when DOSBox start" was active.
[Fix] keybrd2.sys and keybrd3.sys needed for some languages missing on
[Fix] The select all button in the transfer programs dialog did not work.
[Fix] The game list hotkeys (like return, insert etc.) were not disabled when
entering the notes field.
[Fix] Wrong error message "No game file selected" when adding a profile for
booting an image file.
[Fix] Access violation if you press and hold down the F9 key.
[Fix] Changed the default value for virtual free space on mounted drives from
the DOSBox 0.72 default 105 MB to the DOSBox 0.73 default 250 MB.
Version 0.8.2 (08/31/2009)
Faster program start.
Faster start of profiles on many games in the games directory.
[Fix] Previewer area at the bottom of them main window is not resizeable.
[Fix] When using the "Create multiple shortcuts" function the tooltip hints
for the created shortcuts can be wrong.
[Fix] When transfering, uninstalling, building archive files or building
installer packages from profiles using cue/bin CD images only the selected
cue file was processed; the bin file was ignored.
[Fix] The mounting search and replace function of the multiple profiles
editor did not work.
[Fix] The mouse wheel not working on settings page of the multiple profiles
[Fix] Sometimes a second taskbar entry appears when clicking the program
window while creation of an archive package is prepared.
Version 0.8.1 (08/10/2009)
[Fix] If you press the delete key in the quick search box the program asks
you if you want to delete the currently selected profile.
[Fix] Pressing F3 while the wizard dialog is visible causes an access
violation when closing the dialog.
[Fix] The update installer did not update all DOSBox language files.
[Fix] The scan games folder function was not automatically adjusting the
mounting settings from the auto setup templates if not VirtualHD was used
as games folder.
[Fix] Program window position is lost after restoring the program window if
using the minimize/restore on DOSBox start option in fullscreen mode without
[Fix] In portable mode the automatic profile update after program upgrade to
make all profiles DOSBox 0.73 compatible did not work.
[Fix] The restore default values for this category button on the default
values page of the profile editor only worked for the first category.
[Fix] Sometimes the screenshot viewer displayed a wrong resolution in the
status bar after resizing the viewer window.
[Fix] Wrong value "50000" instead of "49716" in the default values list for
sample rate settings.
[Fix] Added missing value "4axis_2" to joystick types default values list.
[Fix] Added missing values to default values lists for SoundBlaster and GUS,
DMA and IRQ settings.
[Fix] Added missing value "none" to SoundBlaster OPL mode default values
[Fix] Removed "0" from default values list for the memory size.
[Fix] The "How to add profiles" info panel at the bottom of the program
window was not automatically removed after adding the first profile.
Version 0.8.0 (07/28/2009)
DOSBox 0.73 is supported and bundled with D-Fend Reloaded.
The user can switch between different icon sets for the toolbar, the menus
and the dialogs now.
The dialog for scanning the games folder for new games has been rewritten
and offers more options now.
Faster program start when using large game lists.
More settings in the multiple profiles editor.
New program icon and logo made by burnsflipper, the designer of the original
D-Fend logo.
New tab "Notes" at the bottom of the program window for direct access to the
stored game notes.
Now you can choose to use the game filesnames or the folder names as names
for the new profiles when scanning the games folder for new games.
Via the new multiple shortcut creation dialog you can create shortcuts for
more than one game at once.
Now the user can select the profile name, the template to use, the
destination folder and the file to start when importing zip files
(regardless if the new game was identified by an auto setup template or not).
Support for user-defined interpreters (like before only for QBasic) inside
Better algorithm for scaling images when displaying captured screenshots.
Now icons can also be added to the icon manager by dragging them to the icon
manager window and by scanning the games folder for new icons. Additionally
the icon manager will show icons added by copying them to the icons folder
New optional start mode: Fullscreen without window border.
The default parent directory for the capture folders for games can be
configurated in the setup dialog now.
The icon size for the game icons in the games list in view mode "Icon" can
be configurated now.
The first start wizard has been improved and now is easier to use.
Now "Pause" can be chosen as DOSBox background priority.
The scan games folder for new games function is now also respecting the extra
program folders of existing profiles and is not trying to detect games in
this folders anymore.
Cleaned up menu structure (in particular the function for creating archive or
exe packages for multiple games have been moved from the Extras to the Export
Option to hide the menubar.
Faster search for DOSBox if it is not stored in the default directory.
[Fix] Error message when closing the profile editor dialog when editing a
[Fix] If the first run wizard is closed by clicking the window close "X" the
settings are not stored.
[Fix] Now 16-bit Windows exe files are also recogniced as Windows program
files and the user is warned if he trys to start a 16-bit Windows program
file via DOSBox.
[Fix] When running a profile using a helper program to be executed after the
main program via a shortcut the helper program was not executed.
Version 0.7.0 (04/28/2009)
Dutch language file (thanks to Tim Molderez)
Italian language file (thanks to Filippo Bartoli)
Archive files not created by D-Fend Reloaded can now also be imported.
(D-Fend Reloaded will try to auto detect and setup the game.)
Now the games folder can be scaned for new games (which will be added
automatically then).
Support for external archiving programs lets D-Fend Reloaded handle other
archive formats than zip and 7z.
New toolbar icons.
Many new options for automatically and manual selection of the right physical
CD drive to mount on DOSBox start (for example mount drive by file or folder
on CD or ask the user to select a drive).
Option to run some other program (for example a hardware setup tool) before
and after the main program (DOSBox or ScummVM).
The genre and language names in game profiles can now be translated on the
fly so profiles created via auto setup templates etc. will always be shown
with translated names for the genre and the language of the game.
Integration in the Vista Game Explorer.
Again some improvements to the long to (DOSBox) short file name converter
(thank you to skatz).
A new custom settings edit field in the profile editor for ScummVM profiles
allows to add any custom configuration settings to the ScummVM ini file
when starting a ScummVM profile.
Added new functions in ScummVM profile editor: Option to disable joystick
support, option to setup an extra path, option to setup render mode,
option to setup game platform and option to define custom languages for
games (and to setup the default languages list for the games in the setup
Option to setup data folder automatically for new profiles in wizard.
Many new functions in the multiple profiles editor.
The program file icon of the Windows program file will be used as the default
icon on Windows game profiles.
The sound previewer and the quick starter now also can playback MIDI files.
Now the D-Fend Reloaded main window can (optionally) be restored when ScummVM
The D-Fend Reloaded main window can be minimized before a Windows game
profile is started and restored when the program quits (both optional).
You can define a default keyboard layout and a default codepage per DOSBox
installation now.
On the first page of the of the wizard now you can choose how many things the
wizard should ask you. (In the default configuration the wizard will be much
easier to handle if there is a auto setup template for the game.)
Now you can add user defined game information as columns to the games list.
Auto setup templates from existing profiles can now also be created via the
export menu.
Now also images from the games data folder can be used in screenshot mode in
the games list.
The column widths in the games list can be restored to the last state on
program start now.
The history dialog has been extended with some statistic functions.
If the translation of a long path name to a short DOSBox name fails, the
program will show a warning message now.
Support for the DOSBox CVS build features "securemode", "pixelshader",
"cpumode" and the new CD drive accessing modes "ioctl_dx", "ioctl_dio" and
Now you can also define submenus in the "Old games" custom menu.
The link lists for "Search for game" and "Old games" in the help menu can be
imported and exported now.
Updated DOSZip from 1.28 to 1.31.
Moved most program files to a "Bin" subfolder of the installation directory
and moved all configuration files to a "Settings" subfolder of the
installation data directory. (This will make the usage of portable
installations easier because less files in the main program main directory
will make finding the DFend.exe faster.)
Now also icons inside program dialogs can be replaced via the Icons.ini file.
"Open program folder" now also available for ScummVM and Windows games.
[Fix] Starting games via DOSBox failed if the game file uses a long filename
and the DOSBox drive was mounted via a relative path name.
[Fix] Creation of zip archives could fail if the profile uses a drive image
which is located inside the (already included) games folder.
[Fix] Creation of installer packages or zip packages will result in to big
files if the game to pack uses iso images or zipped drives.
[Fix] The selected ScummVM save path was assigned to ScummVM correctly.
[Fix] Seleting "French (Canada)" as language results in an English program
[Fix] When using the option "File path is relative to the DOSBox directory
structure" D-Fend Reloaded shows an error message when closing the profile
editor and when starting the profile (but then starts the profile correctly).
[Fix] Access violation when trying to show the "No file name" warning when
adding a Windows game profile and not entering a file name to start.
[Fix] If a prof file with the same name already exists in the destination
path while transfering profiles the profile file was not copied to the
destination correctly. (The algorithm for finding an alternative file name
changed the profile filename in a wrong way.)
[Fix] The ScummVM games list stored in the ScummVM.dat file was not always
read correctly on program start up.
[Fix] When using the restore window size on start up function sometings the
menu bar gets invisible.
[Fix] Uninstaller is not removing uninstall entry from Windows software list.
[Fix] In some long to short path name related error messages wrong
information have been displayed.
[Fix] The option "Close DOSBox when program closes" is not working on running
extra program files via the context menu.
[Fix] Warning message when running ScummVM based games from zip files via a
D-Fend Reloaded desktop shortcut.
[Fix] Error message when loading toolbar images not in bmp format via the
Icons.ini file.
[Fix] Transparency not working in user defined toolbar images.
[Fix] Reduced number of colors in screenshot preview for new screenshots
after returning from fullscreen DOSBox.
[Fix] Reduced number of colors in some png screenshots in the preview area
in the main window.
[Fix] Spelling bug in installer package nsi script.
[Fix] On smaller screen resolutions the D-Fend Reloaded program window
could be a bit to high. (The taskbar has not been subtracted from the
available desktop height.)
Version 0.6.1 (10/31/2008)
Improved Windows long pathname to DOSBox short pathname converter (thanks to
Alexander Katz).
The select image dialog for adding image files as harddisks in the profile
editor will now also show cue sheet files.
Smarter initial directory when opening selection dialog for text editor, wave
encoder and ScummVM.
[Fix] Opening text files in "Use default editor for file type" mode sometimes
did not work.
[Fix] Sometimes an access violation occured just after uninstalling a game.
[Fix] Selecting/Unselecting profiles via the "Select by..." buttons in the
"Build installer" dialog etc. did not work with "Not set" values.
[Fix] Wrong view style (icon instead of list) in the sounds and the videos
previewer area at the bottom of the main window.
[Fix] Access violation while displaying an error message if renameing a
screenshot is not possible (for example because a file with the new entered
name already exists).
[Fix] Execution of Windows programs could fail under some rare conditions
(this only affected helper programs like text editors etc. and not Windows
games started via the games list).
[Fix] Problem if virtual serial port is working as a modem in DOSBox and
"Listen for connections" is turned off.
[Fix] Screenshots, sounds and videos lists not always sorted correctly.
Version 0.6.0 (10/20/2008)
Polish language file (thanks to Adam Sosnowski)
Explorer-like quick starter interface for easy browsing through the games
folder and directly starting DOS program files and making profiles of an
existing DOS program file.
You can specify zip files as ScummVM games now. D-Fend Reloaded will
automatically extract the zip file, run ScummVM and repack the game folder
content to the zip file when ScummVM has closed.
The profile editor and the profile wizard now also support setting a saved
games path for ScummVM profiles.
The profile editor now supports all game specific settings known in ScummVM.
Now the games list can also be filtered by emulation type (DOSBox, ScummVM
and Windows).
German online help.
New language file "French Canada" (same as "French" but will select qwerty
keyboard layout instead of azerty and codepage 437 instead of 850 in DOSBox).
Now you can also create profiles for Windows games via the profile wizard.
In the template dialog now you can also edit the ScummVM default template.
In the profile wizard you do not need to go to the last page before the
"Ok" button will be activated.
The profile wizard will now automatically suggest a name for the new profile
from the selected template or the program file name. (To allow this
D-Fend Reloaded will not ask for the profile name on the first page of the
profile wizard but on the game information page.)
New program icon (thanks to T.B. from
The game data folder viewer on the bottom of the main window will now
automatically update its file list if the folder on harddisk changes.
Additionally files and folders can be renamed and deleted and new folders can
be created via context menu of the data folder viewer now.
Now you can configurate in the setup dialog which files should be moved to
the recycle bin and which should be deleted irrevocable when deleting files
from within D-Fend Reloaded.
New optional column "notes" in list view mode "report".
New setup option for configuration the appearance of the games list: Show
grid lines in view mode "report".
Option to open the capture folder in the Explorer right from the context menu
of the capture viewer area.
The player for captured sounds can also play ogg files (if there is a codec
installed on the system for ogg files) now.
The user data section on the game information page of the profile editor will
suggest names for keys and values from the existing profiles when adding
lines or changing values.
In the setup dialog now you can choose which text editor D-Fend Reloaded
should use when opening text files. Additionally you can setup to
automatically fix the line wraping of text files if needed when opening them.
In the setup dialog now you can choose which viewers/players for images,
sounds and videos should be used when doubleclicking a file in the captured
data viewer on the bottom of the main window.
When creating ScummVM ini files all settings from the default ScummVM
configuration file are also added.
When dragging files to the D-Fend Reloaded program window to copy them to
the data folder of the active profile, now you can also drag and drop
complete directories.
Now you can drop files directly to the screenshots/sounds/videos viewer or to
the data viewer pane (including subdirectories).
Smarter method of detecting the running DOSBox instances when using the
"Restore program window when DOSBox closes function".
Now you can zoom the image in the screenshot viewer and videos in the video
previewer by pressing + or - and by moving the mouse wheel while holding
Ctrl. By pressing * or 0 you can go back to 100% zoom. And by pressing escape
you can close the preview dialog.
New options "Center ScummVM window" and "Hide ScummVM console" in program
settings dialog.
When adding a drive to a profile the edit drive dialog will offer the drive
type used the last time when added a new drive to a profile at first in the
drive type dropdown box.
On the setup page for the screenshot view mode now you can define which
screenshot number to use if no explicit screenshot is defined for a game.
[Fix] When using some other DOSBox installation than the one in the "DOSBox"
subdirectory of the D-Fend Reloaded program directory as default DOSBox
installation, D-Fend Reloaded will reset the path at each start.
[Fix] The game and the setup program parameters for Windows games were
[Fix] When switching between profiles with and without a data folders the
data folder tab at the bottom of the main windows could have displayed some
wrong content.
[Fix] Clicking the buttons for selecting or searching the DOSBox directory
and for selecting a mapper file in the "More DOSBox settings" dialog (on
DOSBox settings page of the program options dialog) did nothing.
[Fix] When creating a portable D-Fend Reloaded installation from the transfer
profiles dialog the mediaplr.dll file was not copyed to the destination
folder and so the D-Fend.exe in the destination folder could not start.
[Fix] In profile editor all four serial port pages showed data for first
serial port.
[Fix] The chosen music driver in ScummVM profiles was not given to ScummVM
when starting a profile.
[Fix] Until now D-Fend Reloaded tried to find the scummvm.ini file for
reading the default theme path etc. in the ScummVM program directory instead
of the path reported by ScummVM (usualy $APPDATA\ScummVM).
[Fix] When trying to display damaged images in the screenshot viewer area an
unhandled exception could occur.
[Fix] Wrong colors or reduction of the number of colors when exporting
captured screenshots.
[Fix] D-Fend Reloaded failed to play video files of other types than avi via
the captured videos player.
[Fix] When switching between images of the same size in the screenshot
previewer the statusbar was not updated.
[Fix] When creating a zip package for a ScummVM profile the ScummVM ini file
needed to use the zip file without D-Fend Reloaded was not included to it.
[Fix] When dragging video files to the main window they got copied into the
data folder instead of into the capture folder.
[Fix] When using the minimize to tray option and restoring the program window
it loses the input focus right after restore.
[Fix] In screenshots view mode sometimes there are wrong images associated to
wrong games in games list.
[Fix] The DOSBox language selected in the profile editor was not used when
starting DOSBox.
[Fix] Screenshots may got displayed distorted in the screenshot preview area.
[Fix] Function "Restore main window when DOSBox closes" will not restore the
D-Fend Reloaded main window if it was already minimized before DOSBox was
started (because of using the tray area mini starter).
[Fix] Added missing default values in "scaler" section of the profile editor.
[Fix] Current selected game is deselected after closing setup dialog.
[Fix] The drive type names on the "Drives" page and the priority levels on
the "DOSBox settings" page of the profile editor were not translateable. Also
the info label on the data folder panel was not translated.
Version 0.5.0 (08/22/2008)
Danish language file (thanks to Jens Peter Jensen)
Traditional Chinese language file (thanks to muzuiget)
Zip and 7z archives can be used as drives now. Additionally D-Fend Reloaded
can repack the changed files to the zip archive when using a PhysFS folder
and zip file pair.
You can make zip packages from installed games (just like the exe installers)
for long time archiving your games. The zip archive will contain all game
data (prof file, game files, icon, captured images/sound/videos, additional
data files). And of course you can import games stored in a zip package to
D-Fend Reloaded agian. (They can be installed via the File|Import menu or
even via drag&drop.)
D-Fend Reloaded has got an online help.
When uninstalling or transfering game or building installer packages the
image files used as drive will be respected, too.
You can manage multiple DOSBox installations with individual settings via the
setup dialog now. In the profile editor you can choose one of this predefined
DOSBox installations or choose an custom DOSBox path.
Now you can also manage your Windows based games as profiles. (When starting
a Windows based profile D-Fend Reloaded simply starts the given program file.
The benefit of this function is you can manage all your games in one GUI.)
For each profile you can configurate to use another DOSBox language than the
language defined in the DOSBox settings.
You can browse through the content of the profile data folders via the new
"Data folder" tab in the screenshots viewer area.
D-Fend Reloaded can display captured videos like captured screenshots and
captured sounds now.
The new profile list view style "Screenshots" allows to browse through the
list of profiles by screenshots.
You can search for information about games via a (editable) list of web game
search engines from the profile editor, the "Profile" menu and the context
menu of a profile.
D-Fend Reloaded can store additionally to the program and the setup file
other program files (for example a level editor) which are offered to start
via the context menu of the profile and the profile menu.
Now screenshots taken by ScummVM can also be managed within D-Fend Reloaded.
You can specify a custom link name and a link comment in the create shortcut
dialog now.
Setup dialog option to configurate D-Fend Reloaded to run in a Wine
The disk image creator can (optional) create plain, unformated images now.
The profile list can be checked for missing files and directories.
D-Fend Reloaded will warn you, if you try to setup a Windows exe file to run
in DOSBox.
Now you can setup if the DOSBox console should stay open when an error in
DOSBox occures.
You can choose to temporary disable the screensaver when DOSBox is running.
The list of links to old games web sites is editable now.
You can change the zoom level in the screenshot dialog by a new toolbar
button now.
You can (optional) set a new screenshot folder and remove the data folder
record when copying a profile.
You can change the font style (bold, italic, underline) for displaying the
favorites now.
The view conf file option will use the default txt editor instead of always
using notepad.
Some more speed improvements when working with large profile lists.
[Fix] The "Run setup" toolbar button was not working.
[Fix] When using long folder names inside a DOSBox drive D-Fend Reloaded may
tried to start files in the wrong folder because Windows and DOSBox used
different ways of translating long to short file names. (Thanks to skatz from
the vogons forum for the new algorithm.)
[Fix] Creation of 2880KB ("extended density") floppy images failed.
[Fix] When "UseShortFolderNames" was turned off in the DFend.ini the loading
of PhysFS drives with spaces in their file oder folder names failed.
[Fix] Adding a new profile if the modern profile editor is activated and
reopen last active tab was chosen results in an access violation.
[Fix] The chosen ScummVM filter setting has not been saved when closing the
profile editor.
[Fix] The chosen ScummVM game language was not shown correctly when reopening
the profile editor again.
[Fix] When using the "Reopen last profile editor page" was used and the
"Profile" page was the last used page the profile editor showed a wrong page
setup of the profile page when reopening.
[Fix] Trying to play an invalid audio file resulted in an infinite loop of
error dialog boxes.
[Fix] The size of capture viewer area was not restored when "Restore window
size on program start" was activated.
[Fix] Caption of icon manager was not translated.
Version 0.4.1 (05/22/2008)
When using the option to minimize D-Fend Reloaded while DOSBox is running and
DOSBox is changing the resolution, D-Fend Reloaded will no longer rely on the
Windows window placement and restore its correct position itself.
Some smaller speed improvements when working with large profile lists.
[Fix] Access violation when opening a screenshot from a profile containing
more than one screenshot.
[Fix] Error message when trying to run a D-Fend Reloaded desktop game link
while "Minimize when DOSBox starts" is activated.
[Fix] When selecting the default template in the template editor the "Delete"
menu item was not disabled (like the toolbar icon and the item in the context
[Fix] DOSBox did not start if the given DOSBox language file did not exist.
[Fix] Closed some memory leaks in screenshot viewer, setup dialog and program
info dialog.
Version 0.4.0 (05/14/2008)
Simplified Chinese language file (thanks to muzuiget)
The new profile wizard has been completely redesigned. With the new auto
setup templates new profiles (for games known by the D-Fend Reloaded
database) can be setup by only entering the game name and the filename.
ScummVM based advantures can be configurated and listed together with the
DOSBox based profiles now.
If you define a QBasic interpreter in the setup dialog, you can define bas
files as normal program files for games. When executing a bas file profile
D-Fend Reloaded will automatically execute it in QBasic in DOSBox.
A new first run wizard makes setting up language and updates for new users
much easier.
The content of image files can be extracted to a folder now.
You can build a floppy image from the content of a folder now.
If you copy prof files to the "Confs" folder while D-Fend Reloaded is running
they will be added to the games list immediately.
Icons form outside the "IconLibrary" folder can now also be used as profile
icons (and can be transfered with the profile and included to installers just
like the icons in the default icons folder).
If you delete a profile file while D-Fend Reloaded is running it will ask you
if you want to restore the deleted file.
Now you can setup a codepage to be used in DOSBox for each profile.
Additionally there is a default codepage stored in each language file which
will be used if the codepage is set to "default" in the profile.
Now you can (optionally) define a key mapper file for each profile. (If no
key mapper file is defined, the DOSBox default key mapper file will be used.)
A list of batch commands which DOSBox will run after the end of the game can
be defined now (some kind of complement of the Autoexec.bat commands).
Now you can also make installer packages from your profile templates.
The templates dialog now has an option to change multiple templates at once
(like the multi profile editor for normal profile).
More option to configurate low-level access to mounted CDROMs.
When creating floppy images you can choose to make the image bootable now.
The tray icon has a context menu for direct starting and adding of profiles.
The transfer profiles function can create a portable version of D-Fend
Reloaded (by copying files from the current installation and modifing the
configuration) in the destination folder before copying the profile data.
Now you can define if the path to the game and the setup exe file should be
interpreted absolute (in the physical file system) or relative (to the file
system in DOSBox).
Now you can configurate in the setup dialog if D-Fend Reloaded should show
configuration options in the profile editor which can only be used with
DOSBox CVS builds (like multiple floppy images per drive, PhysFS support,
setting the number of text mode lines, VGA chipset and video RAM, Glide
emulation and printer support).
When changeing multiple profiles, creating installers etc. now you can select
and unselect profiles also by any user defined information. (Until now
selecting was only possible by the predefined fields like language,
developer, year, etc.)
Profiles (conf and prof files), screenshots and captured sound can be
imported by drag&drop now. Dragging program files to the D-Fend Reloaded
program window will open the new profile wizard with the chosen file.
Within the multi profile editor you can add, change and delete user-defined
information fields now.
For each profile you can define some extra files which will be transfered,
uninstalled and packed into installer packages together with the other game
files (like it is already possible with the extra directories).
The profile editor will show a warning if the user trys to create a new
profile with no game program filename (and is not using a boot image option).
When opening the select game exe or select setup exe dialog from the profile
editor or the wizard the path of the setup exe or the game exe (if already
defined) will be used as initial directory instead of the games base
When a checksum error (changed or exchanged game program file) is detected,
D-Fend Reloaded now also offers the option to turn off checksums for the
profile (until now only keep old checksum or create new checksum).
The checksum driven game file change detection can be turned off in the setup
dialog now.
The mount dialog will show a warning if the users trys to use the same drive
letter for two mounted drives.
The mount dialog will show a warning message if the users trys to mount the
the root directory of a drive.
The dialog for playing captured game sounds has been improved: You can jump
to any position in the file via a slider and the captured wave sound can be
encoded to mp3 or ogg directly from the dialog now.
The screenshot view dialog has been improved: You can cycle though the
screenshots of a profile via two new toolbar buttons (or by using the cursor
keys or the mouse wheel) without closing the dialog. Additionally the zoom
level is set to 100% when a new image is loaded.
The import conf file function now trys to make mount records from the mount
commands of the autoexec section.
Now you can setup which icons should be visible on the toolbar.
The tooltips in the games list now also show the last modification time of
each profile.
Some new icons in the modern and classic profile editor (thanks to Banjo).
[Fix] Even if you choose "Restore profile on disk with version from memory"
when a file conflict occures the profile on disk will not be changed and
the version in memory will be lost as long as you do not make any changes to
the profile in memory before closing D-Fend Reloaded.
[Fix] The boot from floppy image function did not work if you used a single
image file.
[Fix] When using D-Fend Reloaded in portable mode the path to the DOSBox
language file was not updated properly what could DOSBox prevent from
[Fix] The main activation of DOSBox IPX support is not written to the
DOSBox conf file when starting a profile with IPX support enabled.
[Fix] When installing D-Fend Reloaded in user directory mode (the default
installation mode) the templates were only created for the user account the
installer was run from.
[Fix] The column visible status was not saved when closing the setup dialog
if the columns were not in default order.
[Fix] When changing the filename of a profile all character after the first
"." in the new filename were removed.
[Fix] The capture folder settings were ignored when importing conf files.
[Fix] User defined fields were ignored when exporting a games list.
[Fix] Wrong language in dialogs after changing the program language but
closing the setup dialog with "Cancel".
[Fix] When using the "Minimize to tray" option together with "Start
minimized" the application is minimized to the taskbar instead of the tray
area on programm start-up.
[Fix] When adding a new profile via the wizard the information fields (genre,
developer, etc.) of the new profile always showed "Not set" until restart of
the program.
[Fix] Wrong default icon in the profile select dialog which opens when
clicking on "Template from profile" in the templates dialog.
Version 0.3.2 (02/29/2008)
French language file (thanks to Christophe Bertrand)
Russian language file (thanks to Alexander Katz)
The installer and the data package installers are now also available in all
five currently supported languages.
All available CDs can automatically be mounted at DOSBox start (optional,
configurateable per profile).
Floppy images can be written back to real floppy disks.
The profile files will only be updated on disk on program close if this is
really needed. (This makes using multiple instances of D-Fend Reloaded at the
same time easier.)
A warning message will appear if you try to run a game from a profile made
for some other game. (With each profile checksums for the game and the setup
exe will be stored automatically compared with the real exe when trying to
run the game.)
A warning message will appear if you try to run a program file which is not
reachable via any mounted folder.
The function that builds the autoexec commands to run the game now also looks
on mounted CDs for a path to the file and when there are overlapping mounts
it will use the shortest path instead of the first matching path.
The screenshot capture folder will be chosen automatically for new profiles
(until now screenshot capture folder was only setup automatically when adding
profiles via the wizard). This feature can be turned off in the setup dialog.
It can be configurated now what should be shown in the games list if there
are undefined values for genre, developer, etc. (by default "not set").
[Fix] Mounting of real CD drives does not work if no CD is in the drive when
starting DOSBox.
[Fix] Changes made to "Window resolution", "Fullscreen resolution" and
"Scale" in the multiple profile were not saved.
[Fix] The default profile cannnot be changed with the modern style profile
editor because when closing the dialog an "You have to define a name for the
new game." error occurs.
[Fix] In the language editor the last language string of each section was not
[Fix] The "Set default screenshot folder" button in the profile editor does
not detect and remove illegal characters in the profile name.
[Fix] The sound prebuffer value written from the profile to the DOSBox config
file was wrong.
[Fix] The "Reopen last active profile editor page" does not work when using
the modern profile editor.
[Fix] When changing the language in the setup dialog the "window size at
program start" dropdown box was reset to the default value.
[Fix] When starting the first run wizard by deleting the DFend.ini a second
"DOSBox DOS" profile was created instead of reseting the existing one to the
default values.
[Fix] Pressing the "Insert" and "Delete" keys in the environment variables
editor table may changes the the list of environment variables in unexpected
[Fix] When browsing for a installation directory in the program installer and
in data packages installers always a "\D-Fend Reloaded" was added to the
choosen folder.
[Fix] When opening the multi profile editor the second tab (things to change)
instead the first tab (selecting profiles for change) was active.
[Fix] Untranslated button caption in language select dialog for language
editor and misspelled string in profile editor.
Version 0.3.1 (02/18/2008)
CDs can be ripped to ISO images and used as DOSBox drives.
Floppy disks can be ripped to IMG images and used as DOSBox drives.
Screenshots and captured sounds can be renamed.
Captured screenshots can be set as Windows wallpaper image.
If DOSBox is started in window mode, the DOSBox window can be centered on
[Fix] CPU cycles settings "Auto" and "Max" in the modern profile editor
dialog did not work.
[Fix] In the "Edit multiple profiles" the "Fullscreen resolution" did not
[Fix] When using the "Restore window size on program start" option the games
list keeps empty until you click on a category on the left at program start.
[Fix] When pressing enter in the setup dialog shown at first program start
you got an "No game is selected in list." error.
[Fix] Choose DOSBox directory as current directory when starting DOSBox to
make DOSBox find files in its own directory.
[Fix] The "Use as default profile" option in the template profile editor did
not work.
[Fix] When changing the language in the setup dialog the "Mode" dropdown
box shows an empty value until you choose one of the two modes again.
[Fix] Default values for "Resolution" corrected.
Version 0.3.0 (02/08/2008)
Completely new designed and more clearly arranged profile editor (the classic
D-Fend style profile editor is still available and can be activated in the
setup dialog).
D-Fend Reloaded can look for updates on start up and via menu now.
Captured wave sounds for each game can be listed, saved, deleted, played and
encoded to mp3 (encoder not included) or ogg.
For each profile a DOS version number which should be reported by DOSBox
can be configurated.
You can (optional) define a custom DOSBox installation for each profile to be
used to start the game.
You can define additional information of the type key=value for each profile
and filter the games by this new categories.
Font sizes and colors and balckground colors and images in the main window
can be configurated.
The multi profile editor can change window resulution, fullscreen resolution
and scaling method now.
If a conf file on disk is changed using a text editor while D-Fend Reloaded
is running, it can load and keep these changes or overwrite them with the
copy in memory.
You can define for each profile to activate, deactivate or keep the status
of the num lock, the caps lock and the scroll lock when starting DOSBox.
New profile settings: Switch mouse to 2-button mode and change mouse buttons.
New profile settings: Sound volume for the different virtuel sound devices
(master, disney sound system, speaker, GUS, SoundBlaster and FM).
The conf file, which will be used when opening DOSBox, can be opend in a
text editor now.
Making translations of D-Fend Reloaded is now much easier with the new
buildin language editor.
The icons in the program (toolbar, menu and profile editor) are not
exchangeable via an ini file.
The profile icon can be used as the link icon when making desktop or
startmenu links now.
External image files can be added to the screenshots list via the screenshots
popup menu now.
The file names of the profile files can be changed from within the profile
editor now.
In all dialogs with a games selection list where games could be selected
by genre, now games can also be selected by developer, publisher, year and
More view options for the games list (simple list, report, small icons,
icons; simple list and report with and without icons).
The setup dialog has two different feature sets "easy" and "advanced" now.
New menu item for direct D-Fend prof file import.
New setup option: Start maximized.
A new statistics window has information about the number of profiles,
the number of templates, the number of icons and the number of profiles
per genre.
Some more icons in the menu and the dialogs.
[Fix] The path comparison for making paths relative worked case sensitive,
so some paths abbreviations may be missed until now.
[Fix] The select buttons in the multiple profile change dialog had no
[Fix] The "Free virtual space" value in the "Folder as hard disk" section of
the mount edit dialog was not saved.
[Fix] Changed genre, publisher, ... in the multiple profile editor did not
appear in the games list until a restart of D-Fend Reloaded.
[Fix] Changed default values in the setup dialog were may not saved.
[Fix] When resetting the default values in the setup dialog not all avaible
values were written to the lists.
[Fix] The setup dialog function "Make absolute to relative paths" did not
change the extra directories if more than one extra directory was defined.
[Fix] The setup dialog default values for the video card types were ignored
in the profile editor.
[Fix] Misaligend window elements when stating maximized.
[Fix] Corrected untranslated menu item.
Version 0.2.0 (01/16/2008)
New dialog for changing multiple profiles at once.
The serial port settings can be changed via a dialog now.
If installed with the FreeDOS commandline tools, 4DOS can be set up as
commandline interpreter in profile editor.
If installed with the FreeDOS commandline tools, DOS32A can be used as a
replacement for the DOS/4GW protected mode extender.
Now you can specify multiple CD images for one drive mount and switch between
them at DOSBox runtime.
Now you can specify multiple floppy images for booting from floppy image
and switch between them at DOSBox runtime.
If a game has a data folder, D-Fend Reloaded can not only open this folder
but also open a specific file in the data folder now (selectable via a
directory list in form of menu).
Installer packages for single games can be built directly from the the
profile context menu.
The DOSBox png screenshots can be saved as jpeg, gif or bmp image files now.
The creation of the games list is much faster now.
The DOSBox program icon is used for the "DOSBox DOS" default profile.
The game info tooltips in the games list can be turned off and on now.
More icons in the menu.
Updated DOSBox links in the help menu.
Added the vogons to the "Old games" link collection.
[Fix] The serial port settings were ignored when starting DosBox.
[Fix] Long lines in "Autoexec.bat" and "Custom setting" were split into two
lines which can damage commandlines.
[Fix] Numerial values were not stored when closing profile editor if you
entered less digits than the edit field allows.
[Fix] Added missing default value "auto" for joysticks.
[Fix] Fixed some spelling mistakes in the English language file.
[Fix] Wrong info text in DOSBox folder select dialog in setup dialog.
[Fix] I/O control is always shown as "No" in the drives list
independend of the real state of I/O control.
Version 0.1.2 (01/04/2008)
Spanish language file (thanks to Neville from
The function of the add button in the toolbar is now configurable
(normal add, add with wizard or popup menu for operation).
New setup option: Start on Windows boot (default: off)
New setup option: Start minimized (default: off)
[Fix] After changing the program language the categories list on the
"default values" page of the setup dialog contained the values in the
old and the new language.
[Fix] Missing translations for Shortcuts
[Fix] Missing translations for menu items in the games list popup menu
and the screenshots popup menu
[Fix] Missing translation of message dialog captions and buttons
The program info dialog shows the names of the authors of the language files.
The games list can now be sorted by any column just by clicking the
column header.
Version 0.1.1 (12/18/2007)
More icons in treeview and in profile editor dialog
Changelog viewer in programinfo dialog
New "By genre" button in "Export|Create conf" dialog
The "Edit drive" dialog now opens faster
In the transfer dialog, the uninstall dialog and the build installer dialog
the "DosBox DOS" default entry is not shown but the genre of this
profile has been used when building the "by genre" menu.
Additional start menu link "Manuals folder" to access the manual and
game data folder.
More old games links in the help menu.
Progress dialog when deinstalling or transfering games.
"Auto create" button in mounting section of profile editor to create default
drive c: with one click.
New options "retry" and "ignore" when files are protected when deinstalling
New buttons "Previous" and "Next" in profile editor to switch between games.
Now you can choose between "DirectX" and "WinDIB" als SDL videodrivers.
("WinDIB" is slower than the default "DirectX" but may solve some keyboard
New profile menu option "Add from template" allows to create new profiles
from templates without opening the template dialog.
Setup dialog language will change immediately when another language is
selected in the dialog.
[Fix] Missing space between programfile und parameters when running a game
[Fix] Icon files were ignored when copying and uninstalling game and when
building installers.
[Fix] The GUS enabled/disabled setting was not correctly shown in the
profile editor.
[Fix] When copying a profile "not set" was shown in the info columns
(genre, ...) of the new profile.
[Fix] The alternative profile edit hotkey F2 was linked to profile add
instead of profile edit
[Fix] Wrong tab order in some dialogs
Version 0.1.0 (11/08/2007)
First Version at all, everything is new.